Thursday, March 27, 2008

finding bends

At this point, our workshop has a half-dozen or so projects underway. Cases have been opened, warranties voided. Now the fun of finding the points on the circuit boards that will produce the warped, glitchy results we're after.

Here's one participant's solution to keeping track of where productive spots on the board of this "cheer leader" toy might be. Make a xerox and add notes in colored marker.

This disney book toy's sounds are triggered by a confusing logic. Here, hook-up wire has been soldered to each of the pads on the little circuit board, making the process of reverse-engineering the logic a little less frustrating. This will probably also be a good step toward the eventual repackaging of the finished bend.

This bender is having a go at the venerable sk-1, and keeping track of bend points by making marks with a sharpie directly on the board.

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